Sunday 18 August 2013

My hero

As a child, I had always looked to my father as a hero. To me, he was strong enough to take on an army one

 handed, tall enough to reach for the moon and give it to me, and wise enough to know everything about 

everything. There was nothing my father could not do. He always encouraged me to“get up and try itagain.” 

I felt no doubt in his eyes; he made me believe that I can accomplish anything that I set my mind to. 

        Father is a important person who is everybody in the world should love ,
    such as me. My father makes me born to be a human in order to see the social
    world. He protect me and takecare of me with love. He instructs me to be a good
    person.   Therefore , My father is my hero.

                He teach everything I don’t know. When I was young , my father take
    care of me   as well as my mother . When I have problem about knowledge in
    school such as science , mathematic ,and Islam religion. I can ask my
    father everything I can’t understand. He teach me with persistence and give many
    examples to explain me and make me understand. During in my admission exam
    to the university. He work hardly to be a tutor for me. Finally , I can study in
    Universiti Tenaga Nasional. As I expect. The instruction
    of my father maker me know many things in this world for example , how to live
    and adjust in every surround.

                He protect me from danger. For the past , when I was eight years old. I
    fell into the swimming pool in the hotel. That time , I could not swim. I thought
    that I could not survive. Then my father jumped into the swimming pool to save
    me. This event makes me know that hero really have in the world.

              He is a good model for me. since I was born. I know that he loves me
    more than the other and he never hates me when he was angry. He is a doctor.
    He   work hard and help many people with kindness. He is a great leader who I
    should imitate. He lead me to be a good person. Especially , about honesty, he said,
    “ Honesty is a good habit that the good person must have “ Now I am confident that
    I am honest in every situation and with my friends.

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