Thursday 11 July 2013

After SPM ? Holiday or what?

Lets continue my study journey after secondary school. What do I did after SPM? What do you guess??? Work or just rest at my home for 3 months after SPM?

Both were wrong answer.

Lets read my story.
After SPM's trial examination , I applied for Malaysia Tahfiz Certificate in Darul Quran JAKIM since I got a good result for my trial . After a few weeks, I received a letter from Darul Quran . That was an invitation for the interview session before offered to continue my study there. In the interview session , the panel gave us 30minutes to memorize one page of Al-Quran book. That was a very challenging task for me but I am sure with a few experience in memorizing Al-Quran in primary and secondary school , I can do it. After the last paper in SPM examination, I got a call from my mother that I was been offered to continue my study in Darul Quran.

In Darul Quran JAKIM , I pursuing in the Malaysia Tahfiz Certificates progamme which was a fast track programme to memorize Al-Quran. It only took about one year and half.All student need to struggle and work hard because memorizing Al-Quran was not an easy job. The programme started on January 2012 until May 2013. There were 3 examination during the programme and all students need to get an excellent result for proceed our study there. For those who did't get a good result they will be eliminated from the programme. This was another factors why all the students struggling during their study.
On 4.4.2013 , I done memorizing the whole of Al-Quran. Wah, what a beautiful and meaningful time for me. Lots of challenges and problems I need to face during memorizing Al-Quran. Sometimes, I felt wanted to give up and want to stop from memorizing Al-Quran. But finally I succeed ! Thank you to my parent, family, teachers and friends because gave motivation to me when I felt a bit "down" during study.

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